Frontenac Transportation Services
Frontenac Transportation Services provides rides for adults, seniors and children living in North, Central and South Frontenac and Frontenac Islands. We work with Frontenac County to fulfill the County’s strategic goal of providing a safe, convenient, effective transportation system for all citizens of Frontenac County, including those citizens who do not have access to a personal vehicle.
FTS is based on a unique business model wherein community members volunteer their time to drive other residents to medical appointments, day care, recreational complexes, etc. and are reimbursed for the cost of operating their vehicle.
Rides are dispatched from the Frontenac Transportation Office in Sharbot Lake.
Our Staff Will:
- Match ride requests with our volunteer drivers
- Assist clients in accessing travel subsidy
- Support vulnerable clients when issues are identified
- Manage the database, billing and driver reimbursement
In Need of Transportation?
If you find yourself needing transportation, or if you would like to join our team of volunteer drivers, please call Frontenac Transportation Services at 613-279-3151 ext. 303 or 1-877-279-2044 or e-mail us at:
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Carpooling
In Rural communities where people don’t always live close to each other or town, it can be hard to get around. Our Community Car Pool is a great way to get to where you need to go and expand your transportation options.
History of FTS
There has been a demonstrated need in Frontenac County for a transportation system that would improve the accessibility of key services amongst the diverse residents of the various townships. This need was recognized at the township level. Prior to 2005, both Northern Frontenac Community Services (NFCS) and Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) had transportation programs in which seniors, children and other clients of the agencies were driven by volunteer drivers to appointments or places they needed to go. Various staff of the agencies organized these rides.
In 2005 “Rural Routes” was developed for Central and North Frontenac Townships using a grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation. A “dedicated dispatcher” model of connecting volunteer drivers with people who needed rides was developed and a large new clientele from ODSP and OW clients was established, along with a large service getting children to licensed Programs at NFCS’s Child Centre.
Consultants were hired on two separate occasions to examine the transportation within Frontenac County with the goal to create a financially and operationally sustainable business model and organization to service the unique transportation needs of residents of Frontenac County.
The first engagement, ending in January of 2008, confirmed the belief that there was a demand for this service, and identified key population segments in need. The second, completed in November 2008 focused on the partnership between SFCSC and NFCS. In an attempt to create a sustainable solution and secure funding from the County of Frontenac, it was recommended that Northern and Southern Frontenac Community Services organizations join together to create the Frontenac Transportation Services serving residents in Frontenac Townships. A plan was developed and approved by County Council, NFCS and SFCSC and Frontenac Transportation Services was launched on May 1, 2011.
On June 20, 2014, the County of Frontenac approved a strategic goal regarding transportation to help address existing needs for a viable transportation service throughout the county. By 2018, FTS had reached the County of Frontenac’s transportation goal.
In 2018, the partnership between RFCS and SFCS for providing transportation ended. Although disappointed by the termination of the collaborative partnership, FTS continued to be committed to providing a transportation service to all the residents in Frontenac County.
In March 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic struck the nation. The message to the community was to stay at home unless necessary to go out. With the pandemic, a new need arose in the community. Some community members no longer felt safe going into businesses such as grocery stores and pharmacies. Many businesses had to close or move to a different form of delivery. Our FTS team and volunteer drivers stepped up to fill this gap and began a partnership with our local grocery store, restaurant and pharmacy. Our drivers began delivering groceries, medication, take-out food and necessary items to families who were not able to pick-up the items themselves.
Now, in 2022, Frontenac Transportation Services is continuing to thrive by providing access to transportation to all community members in Frontenac County. Whether it be social, medical or shopping our volunteer drivers are there to help support community members in getting where they need to be.
Yearly Statistics
Distance: 488,717.4km | Hours: 11,011.25
Distance: 391,161.8km | Hours: 9251.19
Distance: 555,236.5km | Hours: 9251.49
Distance: 610,578.58km | Hours: 16,357.25
Distance: 702,361km | Hours: 18,749
Distance: 748,683km | Hours: 18,377
Distance driven: 727,848km | Hours: 17,638