Our licensed daycare is one of our core programs that supports our rural families. It is licensed under the Ministry of Education and follows the requirements as set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCYEA). The daycare is a valuable service for rural families within our catchment. We believe in enriching experiences that lead to positive outcomes for families, children and staff. Together, we can grow in an environment that sees children as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential.
Our centre is licensed for 24 children. We have two rooms for the different age groupings. One room is our infant and toddler room and the other is our preschool room. The ratio of children to Early Childhood Educators is different for each age group:

0-18 months
3 infants to 1
Early Childhood Educator

18 months – 2 ½ years
5 toddlers to 1
Early Childhood Educator

2 ½ – 4 years
8 preschoolers to 1
Early Childhood Educator
The Daycare is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. We ask that parents arrive by 9 am.
Register Your Child
We make every effort to understand your child’s needs in order for them to have a successful transition into our program. During the initial meeting between parents/guardians, you will be given an intake package. This will provide us with valuable information about your child.
We require this package to be completed and returned before your child’s first day. Parents need to be specific during registration which days they require for part time care. If additional days are required, they can be filled if our ratios and staffing allow. Should the program be at full enrollment, children will be placed on a waiting list.
Our program is structured to allow flexibility in childcare arrangements. Part-time care is an option for parents. One full-time space may be shared by two families. If there are children requiring full-time enrollment, parents of children attending part-time will be given notice that their space is required, or will be asked to exercise their option of increasing their number of days to 5 days per week.
We welcome parents/guardians to bring their child to the program to visit, and become familiar with the surroundings and other children, prior to the child’s first day. It is encouraged to have your child enrolled to attend a minimum of two days per week. This helps them become more familiar with the staff and the routine.
For information about Daycare in Ontario click on the link below.
Information & Registration Booklets

Infants (0-18 months):
$60.00 per full day
*CWELCC rate is $28.35

18 months – 2 ½ years
$41.00 per full day
*CWELCC rate is $19.37

Preschoolers (2 ½ – 4 years)
$40.00 per full day
*CWELCC rate is $18.90
As of January 1, 2023 our fees were reduced by 52.75%. See the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) rate above.
Subsidy from the City of Kingston is available to parents who qualify. Families can register at:
Contact Susan Wilby at 613-279-3151 ext. 308 to complete a Confirmation of Space (COS) Form.
Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Program
The Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care program is a partnership between the Federal Government and the Province of Ontario. This program will lower the fees that parents pay for childcare to an average of $10 per day for children under the age of six in licensed childcare by September 2025. All Operators of an eligible licensed child care program in Kingston/Frontenac can make an application for the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Program (CWELCC) to the City of Kingston. Rural Frontenac Community Services will be applying for the CWELCC.
Daycare Staff and Contact Information
Contact Information
1004 Art Duffy Rd. Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0
Lower Level
Phone Number
613-279-3151 ext 3
Meet Our Staff

Susan Wilby, RECE, Daycare Supervisor
Phone: 613-279-3151 ext 308
Susan graduated in 1988 from St. Lawrence College in Kingston as an Early Childhood Educator. She is a member of the College of ECE.

Lisa Hamilton, Registered Early Childhood Educator
Lisa graduated in 1991 from St. Lawrence College in Kingston as an Early Childhood Educator. She is a member of the College of ECE. Lisa has worked for Rural Frontenac Community Services since 2002 and currently works with preschool children.

Sara McCoubrey, Registered Early Childhood Educator
Sara graduated in 2015 from St. Lawrence College in Kingston as an Early Childhood Educator. She is a member of the College of ECE. Sara worked in Kingston prior to joining Rural Frontenac Community Services in August of 2018. Sara is the educator for our toddler children.

Marjory Hanna, Registered Early Childhood Educator
Marjory joined Rural Frontenac Community Services in September 2018. Marjory graduated in April 2020 from Algonquin College in Perth with a diploma in Early Childhood Education. She is a member of the College of ECE. Marjory is the educator in the preschool room.

Anne Howes, Food Services Coordinator
Anne is our Food Services Coordinator and has worked for Rural Frontenac Community Services since May 2017. Anne is a long time resident of Sharbot Lake and former owner of the famous Rising Bun Bakery.

Patsy Quinn, Cleaner
Patsy ensures that our building is clean for the many young children who pass through the building each day. She also works in the Daycare as a supply staff. Patsy has worked for Rural Frontenac Community Services since January 2016.

Katie Bain, Registered Early Childhood Educator
Katie joined Rural Frontenac Community Services in September of 2020. Katie graduated from St. Lawrence College in 2022 with a diploma in Early Childhood Education. Katie is a full time staff in the Daycare and is in the process of becoming registered with the college of ECE.

Laura Wood, Food Services Assistant
Laura joined Rural Frontenac Community Services in September of 2018. Laura is our Food Services Assistant and prepares meals for the Meals-on-Wheels, Diners and the Day care.