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Financial Supports

Rural Frontenac Community Caring Fund

Rural Frontenac Community Services will provide financial assistance of up to $300 to residents in North and Central Frontenac.

The Community Caring Fund will provide funds to families with children up to 18 years of age to assist parents or caregivers with a child related expense – request a copy of a birth certificate, purchase a snow suit or boots, camp fees, sports, arts or recreation fees.

The Community Caring Fund also offers loans to assist residents who find themselves in a financial emergency and need assistance. For example; heating oil, gas or wood, hydro, unexpected medical needs, transportation or gas money, one-time expenses due to illness or other circumstances, household repairs or maintenance, car repairs. These funds are considered an interest-free loan and are expected to be paid back.

The Community Caring funds are held in Rural Frontenac Community Services Community Caring Endowment Fund, which is managed by the Community Foundation Kingston and Area CFKA. Donations are gratefully accepted to help increase this fund and ensure the continuation of the fund. Visit for more information.

To receive more information about Rural Frontenac Community Caring Fund please contact us at 613-279-3151. If you are a client in one of our programs; family counselling, youth program, Daycare etc., you may reach out to that program for information and to apply.

Income Tax Program

Do you need help completing your tax return? We can help you through our Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. We have local volunteers who can complete tax returns for eligible individuals.

Who is Eligible?

You may be eligible if you have a modest income and a simple tax situation. Your total family income should be less than the amount shown in the following list to be eligible:

Family size and Total family income

  • One person – $30,000
  • One person with one dependent – $35,000 (add $2,500 for each additional dependent)
  • Couple – $40,000 (add $2,500 for each dependent)

In general, your tax situation is simple if you have no income or if your income comes from these sources:

  • Employment
  • Pension
  • Benefits such as CPP, disability, CCB, EI, social assistance
  • RRSP
  • Support payments
  • Scholarships, fellowships, bursaries or grants
  • Interest (under $1,000)

For more information call Joyce Lewis at 613-279-3151 or email

Rural Frontenac Emergency Food program

This fund will provide a $25 voucher to the local grocery store for residents in emergency situations to purchase fresh fruit, milk, vegetables and meat.

The program is funded through the Regina Rosen Food First Fund (RRFFF) which distributes a monthly grant of $1,000 to local community organizations that are engaged in procurement, production, preservation and/or preparation of food AND/OR are actively involved in improving food security.

North and Central Frontenac Food Bank

Food security is important for all residents. If you are in need of assistance with groceries please contact the North and Central Frontenac Food Bank. The Food Bank is located at 14152 Road 38 in Sharbot Lake (front office of the Sharbot Lake Inn) and is open Tuesdays and Friday mornings for scheduled pick ups only. To apply for a food basket please call (613 279 8855) or email ( You will be contacted on a Monday or a Thursday and a scheduled pick up time will be arranged for you.

Financial donations can be made by e-transfer at If you require a tax receipt for your e-transfer donation please email your name and address to

Donate to Rural Frontenac Community Services

Donate Online

You can donate online from the convenience of your home by using our Canada Helps form from the following link.

Donate By Phone

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Rural Frontenac Community Services, call 613-279-3151

little girl learning in classroom