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Celebrating 50 Years

Rural Frontenac Community Services enables our residents to live rural life to its fullest.  We are a registered charitable organization that is governed by a Board of Directors and has served the community for 50 years. Rural Frontenac Community Services is located in Central Frontenac Township in the Country of Frontenac, north of Kingston. We are a community hub delivering a wide range of social services to both adults and children throughout the county.  

Our Children’s Services, includes EarlyON as well as a licensed daycare for 26 children, and youth services with after school activities, leadership training, and a youth Hub. Our Adult Services includes Family Counseling and a range of community supports for seniors including Meals on Wheels, home supports, respite programs and home care.  Our Transportation Services include county wide volunteer transportation network. Other agencies in the county rent space from Rural Frontenac Community Services to provide their services including income support (OW, ODSP), legal services, mental health services, employment services, Probation and Parole  Child protection and Violence against Women support services.

Join us on June 7


Open Houses at:
The Child Centre (1004 Art Duffy Rd)
The Adult Building (1109 Garrett St.)
Follow the links below to read articles published in The Frontenac News leading up to our 50th celebration.

January 30th: Rural Frontenac Community Services Turns 50

February 5th: Rural Frontenac Community Services- the 1970’s

March 13th: North Frontenac Community Services; Growth in the 1980’s

Donate to Rural Frontenac Community Services

Donate Online

You can donate online from the convenience of your home by using our Canada Helps form from the following link.

Donate By Phone

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Rural Frontenac Community Services, call 613-279-3151

little girl learning in classroom