About Rural Frontenac Community Services
The Mission of Rural Frontenac Community Services is to provide opportunities that will enhance the well-being and self-sufficiency of all community members.
Rural Frontenac Community Services is a registered charitable organization that is governed by a Board of Directors and has served the community for over 40 years. Rural Frontenac Community Services is located in Central Frontenac Township in the Country of Frontenac, north of Kingston. We are a community hub delivering a wide range of social services to both adults and children throughout the county.
Our Children’s Services, includes EarlyON drop-in playgroups as well as a licensed daycare for 34 children, and youth services with youth programs, leadership training, and summer camp. Our Adult Services includes Family Counselling, a range of community supports for seniors including Meals- on-Wheels, home supports, respite programs and home care. Our Transportation Services include a county wide volunteer transportation network. Other agencies in the county rent space from RFCS to provide their services including income support (OW, ODSP), legal services, mental health services, Child protection, Homelessness prevention, and Violence against Women support services.
Key Themes and Messages

We are community
united, welcoming, friendly

We are connected
offering a wide range of services, understand what services are available and required for individuals.

We are collaborative
partnerships to strengthen service offerings, broad network
Our Guiding Principles
- Clients are entitled to receive prompt, efficient, competent and friendly services as close as possible to their home communities.
- Clients should be encouraged to achieve their full potential in their communities.
- Services must be client-centered and coordinated.
- Services must promote respect for human rights, diversity, and human dignity.
- Preventing social problems in the community is as important as addressing problems.
- Communities should be encouraged to develop healthy environments for their residents.
- Cooperation among service providers is essential.
- Services must be provided in the most cost-effective manner.
- Service providers must recognize the special characteristics of our rural communities.
- The organization has a responsibility to advise the community of the role and services of the Rural Frontenac Community Services Corporation.